Triond Goes Up A Notch With The December Special 2010!

An informative article explaining the new December special and its benefits.

Triond is an online writing community where you can share content such as writing, photos, video and audio while exploring the Triond community to make friends and earn monthly royalties whenever your content is viewed. To visit the Triond homepage to sign up, head to this link

As I am sure many of you reading this would know, Over the past few months the Triond team have been adding many more updates enhancements to how Triond runs to benefit both the community and their company. One of these updates is

know as the Triond special's where for a months time, the Triond team would pay the community a higher percentage of earnings depending on how many articles they published throughout the month.

So far, all the members of the Trind community have had the opportunity to parpicitate in both the August and October specials. In the August special Triond offered a 10% increase in earnings for Triond users who were able to publish at least 5 articles throughout the month of August while the October special was a little more challenging, this time if you managed to publish at least 10 articles on a range of websites throughout October you would recieve a 20% increase in earnings.

On the 30th of November 2010 Triond posted a brief entry in their blog concerning the new December Challenge. This new December challenge is going to be the most challenging so

far. The changes with this new special is that you have two different options which vary on the number of articles publish, if you publish 5 articles within December you will recieve a 10% bonus while if you managed to publish a full 10 articles or more you would be eligile to recieve a 20% bonus not to mention the fact that there is only going to be 11 websites which the articles must be published onto to qualify, these are stated below.


Now, that is most of the main facts with the new special I will now state my opinion on this new special. My opinion with this new December challenge is that they are a great way to encourage us writers to write more, earn more and promote more. My only quall with this new December challenge is that both of the websites Gameolosopy and Writinghood are not on the list but then I suppose this was intentional to get Triond users to write about a few different topics, maybe its time to starting to publish some health and internet articles or maybe even on the topic animals or pets.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed, good luck to you all!-Aurora1. 

Article Written By Aurora1

Aurora1 is a blogger at

Last updated on 30-07-2016 1K 0

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